Get Rid of Wasted Energy Once and For All This Winter

Wasted energy negatively impacts your local climate. Cameron Home Insulation helps families reduce wasted energy in their homes through proper insulation.

Live in the DMV? Think Twice Before Wasting Any More Energy This Winter

Is your home energy efficient? Energy efficiency doesn’t only apply to electronics, appliances, and HVAC systems; it can also be a matter of having proper insulation. Many homes, especially older ones, aren’t properly insulated. Not only are these homes uncomfortable to live in (too hot in the summer or too cold in the winter? You know what we’re talking about.) they’re also more expensive to live in! You may have noticed that your winter and summer bills are higher than the rest of the year. In fact, it costs nearly twice as much to keep a home warm during the winter–and keep it cool during the summer–than it does to maintain a comfortable temperature throughout the rest of the year.

A properly insulated home saves up to 70% of the energy it takes to keep a poorly insulated home heated or cooled. Proper insulation also increases a home’s property value. Higher property value = more money for you, should you choose to sell your home. So, not only will your family enjoy a more comfortable living space, it will also benefit financially.wasted energy

Let’s start at the top.

It’s a well-known fact that heat rises, and wasted energy costs you money. As you now know, one solution to prevent energy waste from occurring is to insulate your home. In fact, the best place to begin insulating the home is in your attic. The attic is the easiest part of the house to insulate because the materials can be placed flat on the floor. Easier processes mean quicker installation and lower labor costs. In other words, it’s the most cost-efficient change you can make to your home as far as insulation.

R-Value is a measure of insulation’s ability to resist heat traveling through it. The higher the R-Value, the better the thermal performance of the insulation. The ideal R-Value for attic insulation in the Mid-Atlantic region ranges between an R38 and R60.

As a general rule, local building codes typically determine how much insulation a home needs. Certain areas, such as Silver Spring, Maryland, Clarendon, Virginia, or Georgetown, may specify other requirements, which you can easily checkSave Money with Blown-In Fiberglass Insulation

What about your walls?

Now that you’ve adequately insulated the attic, it’s time to inspect your walls. Two questions you may want to ask yourself are: (1) Do you live in an older home? (2) Do you know if the walls inside of your home have insulation?

An older home may not have properly inslated walls. Typically, these homes feature cavity walls. As the name suggests, this means that the walls are actually two walls, with air space between them. But just because your house was built like that, doesn’t mean that it has to stay like that! In fact, insulation can be added into a cavity wall at any time! The best solutions for filling in cavity walls include blown-in fiberglass, cellulose, and Rockwool insulation.

If your home has uninsulated cavity walls, we recommend calling an expert at Cameron Home Insulation today for a free consultation!

Other areas to consider

If your home has a basement or crawl space, we recommend insulating there as well.  An insulated crawlspace keeps the cold air outside and prevents it from penetrating the subflooring beneath the main floor areas of your home keeping it warm during the winter.