The United States has become an energy-saving conscious nation. That’s because electric costs have become super-pricey and are steadily climbing. Homeowners throughout the United States are focused more than ever on finding solutions that help reduce energy costs. You don’t necessarily have to live like a caveman wandering around in the dark with a lit torch as your only source
Most homeowners would like to find that one home improvement project that adds value to their home. Some home improvement projects add more value to a home than others. In this week’s blog post, we will discuss three home improvement projects that are overlooked and undervalued, but yet, add significant equity to your home. When you and your spouse begin discussing
WHEN INDOOR TEMPERATURES INCREASE BY 9 DEGREES THE ODDS OF GETTING A MIGRAINE HEADACHE ARE MUCH GREATER. Studies have shown that the heat generated from a leaky roof can make the blood vessels in your skull expand and press against surrounding nerve endings and is harmful to your health. That’s because of low air pressure, and excessive sweating is causing
Welcome to a multi-part blog post series focused on the impact of hot upstairs air that’s trapped in your home, and how it affects your health during the warm summer months. ____________ We will discuss how small changes make a big difference concerning your health. Then we will wrap up today’s discussion by sharing how the human body generates large
The hot dog days of summer have officially arrived; with temperatures well over 90 degrees, you can’t afford to mess with the sweltering heat. Not only is the heat affecting your cooling bills and the comfort of your home, but it is also affecting your sleep. We have all spent nights tossing and turning from the heat, but it doesn’t
How to Avoid a Summertime Disaster Brace yourself for this important home energy performance tidbit! The same inefficiencies that make your home drafty and lead to high energy bills in the winter will have the same effect in the summer. Here’s why! The same gaps and cracks that allow heat to leave your home when it’s cold out are the
Save Up to 40% on Cooling Cost This Summer By Upgrading Your Home Insulation Summertime has officially arrived. It looks as if the sweltering hot temperatures are here to stay for awhile. Homeowners, are you thinking of ideas about how to lower your electric bill during the summer months? As you probably know running the air conditioning unit nonstop during
Attic Insulation – A Home that is Under Insulated Will Overheat One sign that indicates your home may overheat during the summer months is a lack of attic insulation. A home that is under insulated can and will overheat. Building materials like wood and drywall soak up heat easily and radiate it back. A home without insulation in the attic
What does your ideal energy-efficient home look and feel like, and can you really afford to improve your homes performance? According to the Maryland Department of Clean Energy Center there are low interest rate loans available to homeowners that have been designated specifically for home projects that are designed to help improve your homes’ performance and make it more energy
Meters…nearly everyone has one but very few understand how to read them. As a homeowner, learning how to accurately read your meter (whether electric or natural gas) helps you gain insight into how much electricity or gas your home is using but also acts as a tool to double check that your energy company is billing you correctly. There are